51- Many parks are constructed adjacent to this road.

52- Elk hears a thumping noise from the adjacent room.

53- In 1912 a library was built adjacent to the house.

54- It often localizes to areas adjacent to the joints.

55- There is a chapel and heliport in adjacent buildings.

56- Some rolling stock is stored in the adjacent sidings.

57- It was actually located in adjacent Hamilton Township.

58- adjacent routers also use this protocol to communicate.

59- adjacent Horlock Court comprises 168 rooms in 14 houses.

60- adjacent to it are the lockers used only for PE classes.

61- If two monsters meet on adjacent squares, they can battle.

62- A Coffin Lock may be used to join securely adjacent flats.

63- There are short stay car parks adjacent to the town centre.

64- They then built the adjacent Prince's Building, even larger.

65- Two Gaughans are recorded in the adjacent county of Leitrim.

66- A Panda Express is located here, adjacent to Skull Mountain.

67- The gym, located adjacent to the Cafeteria, is fairly modern.

68- The adjacent topography shares similar etymology: Mosse-elva.

69- On the adjacent parcel, another plaza has begun to take shape.

70- It is a National Trust property adjacent to Rayleigh Windmill.

71- It is adjacent to the northern portion of Bessie Coleman Drive.

72- Most of this land is wooded floodplain adjacent to the Passaic.

73- Additional adjacent leaves are present and are about 5 mm long.

74- This is due to a sequence of echoes from adjacent corrugations.

75- Mefigliano - Can be done to any player, including those adjacent.

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