76- In 1910, Shreveport High School was built adjacent to Hope Street.

77- adjacent to BP buildings was a unique double-helix public car park.

78- The adjacent railway line is still in use by freight services only.

79- The City of Boulder operates Eaton Park, adjacent to the west lake.

80- Located south of the Parktown development and adjacent to Hillcrest.

81- The street adjacent to the monastery site is still known as St Chad.

82- A truncation is a form that exists between adjacent rectified forms.

83- The horse can be transposed with the adjacent elephant in the setup.

84- If the hairs grew within two adjacent follicles, the cow was invalid.

85- adjacent ocean currents can define distinct, if shifting, boundaries.

86- Also each opposing unit adjacent to a friendly unit must be attacked.

87- School is located at Veliyathamparambu adjacent to the State Highway.

88- This equal mix distinguishes the region from adjacent mountain areas.

89- The adjacent passage linked the kitchen to the hall in the east range.

90- Bastrop Christian Church is located adjacent to the municipal library.

91- An adjacent minimum security satellite prison camp houses male inmates.

92- 3D images can be generated by acquiring a series of adjacent 2D images.

93- The neighbourhood is adjacent to Howrah Bridge (renamed Rabindra Setu).

94- The technique is used when the land adjacent to the sea is low in value.

95- The Student Recreation Center is adjacent to the Save Mart Center arena.

96- In 1963 the Pioneer Tunnel was founded adjacent from the Higher-Ups Park.

97- Now married to Frank Shabata and living on lands adjacent to Alexandra's.

98- The adjacent Tapestry Factory of Santa Bárbara named after this monastery.

99- The adjacent rail yard is used to store all WES trains when not in service.

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