1- The Diet will adjourn for three months.

2- Let's adjourn to the dining room for dinner.

3- When dinner was over, we adjourned to the sitting room.

4- daveoilyDecember 1963 - The House adjourns with the bill still in committee.

5- Instead, the case was adjourned for two months at the government's request.

6- 'How can we go away and adjourn for a month in the midst of an ongoing war?'

7- However, the case was adjourned again after having been delayed twice previously.

8- Judge Hassan Farid adjourned the trial until Feb. 23. Fahmy is seeking deportation.

9- He gets phones all the time, Kessler told the judge before the hearing was adjourned.

10- Sentencing was adjourned until Friday, June 26. Click here for more news from Maidstone.

11- The state Senate took the unusual step of adjourning in the police dog's memory on Thursday.

12- The earlier court appearances at which Reynolds was scheduled to enter a plea were adjourned.

13- The court adjourned the hearing until April 22 to give the government time to submit its reply.

14- The charges had created a significant disruption as lawmakers work toward adjournment next month.

15- An unknown emergency was declared in the afternoon and court was adjourned for the next two days.

16- Legislators adjourned yesterday after almost 180 days in session, the average session is 105 days.

17- Latest Australian news Following the order, the matter has now been adjourned until February 2016.

18- In fact, the changes have been adopted but come into effect when the Senate adjourns for the summer.

19- But Duffy's lawyer Donald Bayne suggested an early adjournment, as Bayne's stepmother is gravely ill.

20- He said the judge then adjourned to a date to be communicated to both the defendants and prosecution.

21- Lawmakers adjourned their regular, 105-day session last month and then returned for a special session.

22- The adjournment ordered was until 2 July 1991.

23- The burglary trial was on its 4th such adjournment .

24- Chin Peng put one more question before another adjournment .

25- The PDP started shouting slogans demanding the adjournment motion .

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