76- The Conference adjourned on October 27. Prince Edward Island emerged disappointed from the Quebec Conference.

77- Roberts, Schonberg, Horowitz & Reshevsky, p. 59. If a game was adjourned, it was to be continued the next day.

78- Ratification Timeline * September 17, 1787 - Final draft of the Constitution is signed and convention adjourns.

79- He had the advantage for much of the game, but missed a difficult win after adjournment, then later declined a draw.

80- The inquiry adjourns and on the way out of the building Ghote encounters the inspector who built the case against him.

81- In addition to this recognition, the Texas House of Representatives adjourned on that day in honor of Private Pedro Cano.

82- 607640 Hence, he planned to adjourn the trial after the special verdict and reconvene with fellow judges to pronounce guilt.

83- Later, Che, and some of his Cuban comrades, went to Limerick city and adjourned to the Hanratty's Hotel on Glentworth Street.

84- Not long thereafter Churchill adjourned the meeting and joined Halifax at Admiralty House along with the rest of the War Cabinet.

85- The bill was passed the last day of the session, knowing that if the Governor did not veto it before adjournment, it would become law.

86- The judge granted us a short adjournment.

87- The meeting is adjourned on a point of order.

88- All three elected crown court trial and the cases were adjourned by Liverpool magistrates until June 24.

89- Where there are concurrent criminal proceedings a parent may seek an adjournment of the care proceedings until the criminal process is completed.

90- Where there are concurrent criminal proceedings a parent may seek an adjournment of the care proceedings until the criminal process is completed.

91- The senate adjourned for the summer.

92- Due to the unsatisfactory reply from the Minister, I shall apply for an adjournment debate.

93- It was almost noon when the meeting adjourned.

94- The magistrates adjourned the hearing until October 8,[] when committal proceedings are likely to take place.

95- The meeting will adjourn sine die.

96- The King was greatly displeased by this suggestion and promptly adjourned the meeting.

97- The defence attorney requested an adjournment.

98- The defence attorney requested an adjournment.

99- The case went before Mr Justice Henry on December 23 and was adjourned.

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