51- Finally, defense asked for adjournment as a key witness fell ill.

52- adjournments by parties designed to prolong criminal trials have also been banned .

53- That would make a good adjournment debate.

54- adjournment debates are hard won and precious to Back-Bench Members.

55- This termination represents the latest sine die adjournment among the 15 lame duck sessions.

56- Court proceedings were disrupted after McDonald was acquitted , prompting a brief adjournment .

57- adjournMENT : adjourned at 8:15 pm.

58- As the meeting nears adjournment however, Saskia is poisoned.

59- I raised that matter on the adjournment of the House.

60- And it 's during the recess, not during any temporary adjournment .

61- I think a vote on adjournment is a vote on the merits.

62- From there, even Nel agreed Pistorius needed an adjournment, so an adjournment came while viewers rummaged around for some context.

63- But it has barely been mentioned in the state capital of Springfield, with just weeks left to take action before the Legislature adjourns.

64- Plus digital subscription sign in Get Newsletters Reader Services Stay Connected charlotteobserver.com Archives adjourning without Tillis?

65- His lawyer asked for an adjournment so he could change out of his suit, allowing Pistorius to show how short he is without his prostheses on.

66- Wassef Hassoun adjourned the proceeding for at least a week to allow defense attorneys to translate Lebanese documents they say support his case.

67- Congress was adjourned, and the Supreme Court justices attended.

68- Court adjourns and Tyson sees his wife and son for the first time in awhile.

69- Then the court adjourns to deliberate on whether any witnesses should be heard.

70- 553491 The decrease may occur as the result of Congress typically adjourning in the fall.

71- Leon Brittan to MT (24 January, 1986) On 27 January Labour set down an adjournment motion.

72- The National Convention adjourned for the summer in 1946, intending to reconvene in the fall.

73- If the complainant does not appear, the justices may dismiss the complaint or adjourn the hearing.

74- By some accounts, Lincoln offered to evacuate Fort Sumter if the Virginia convention would adjourn.

75- The meeting adjourns with The Hooded One sending every Rat Creature in the valley to attack the farm house.

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