26- If T is self adjoint, then for any polynomial P, the operator norm :: :2.

27- The high school was originally in a building adjoining the elementary school.

28- He said that they had adjoining cabins on board, and had seen them arm-in-arm.

29- adjoining the Hindu wall, there is a tomb of a Muslim saint, Pir Sailani Shah.

30- The facade had a classical style with columns that matched adjoining buildings.

31- In 1850 Carter Hathaway platted Knox, the county seat of adjoining Starke county.

32- The lock adjoins the southern bank about half a mile downstream of the Weir Hotel.

33- It goes before of a flower bed with green climbing plants adjoining to the castle.

34- Continental United States: The 48 adjoining states, Alaska and District of Columbia.

35- A new clock tower and a small adjoining building have since been built on this site.

36- There are also state primary schools in the adjoining suburbs of Milton and Red Hill.

37- From these properties, one can also conclude monotonicity of the adjoints immediately.

38- The adjoining airport ( O61 ) is a public airport and vital to the surrounding region.

39- 273209 In early 2006, Kanbay acquired adjoined Consulting a professional services firm.

40- When everything is ready, the family gathers in the adjoining room for the evening meal.

41- In addition to his prize money, he also won several acres of land adjoining Sebring Lake!

42- Cell states are determined only by interactions with the small number of adjoining cells.

43- adjoining Moorfields were Finsbury Fields, a favourite practising ground for the archers.

44- The head of the Mane family was deshmukh of Mhasvad, adjoining the district of the Ghatges.

45- The Planet path that connects the Europlanetarium with the adjoining Heempark was realized.

46- A saw mill adjoined the grist mill providing a reay supply of planks for flooring and walls.

47- A Guest House is also situated at an adjoining hillock giving an unhindered view of the lake.

48- Two adjoining conservation areas located in North Acton which total 250 acres (1 km²) of land.

49- The newest facility on campus is the Wilna Thomas Building with its adjoining Cultural Centre.

50- Over the next few years, Beda Park and several properties adjoining St. Bede's were purchased.

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