1- If doing it right, surfing is nothing more than aerobic ablution .

2- In order to benefit from aerobic exercise, you need to work hard enough to increase your heart rate.

3- That's the thing that really seems to optimize your aerobic fitness and helps your brain."

4- aerobic exercise helps, says Swart, as it releases endorphins and reduces our cortisol levels.

5- Everything taught in the " aerobics " room is no longer aerobic.

6- Does aerobic exercise promote growth hormone release?

7- Circuit training combines resistance exercises alongside high intensity aerobic work.

8- This process function is essential to aerobic respiration.

9- Each round mixes 1 strength exercise along with 1 aerobic exercise.

10- Prediction of functional aerobic capacity without exercise testing.

11- A high calling rate requires high levels of aerobic respiration.

12- A related problem for aerobic organisms is oxidative stress.

13- Exercises performed outdoors in fresh air offer increased aerobic benefits .

14- These specific types of exercise are called aerobic exercises.

15- Rowing is another excellent cardiovascular and aerobic choice.

16- High aerobic capacity, allowing sustained activity.

17- Normally, cardiac muscle metabolism is entirely aerobic .

18- Septic drain fields treat septic tank effluent using aerobic soil processes.

19- The aerobic training employs four main methods to target your fitness.

20- Oxygen is vital for aerobic respiration in plants.

21- Your therapist may also suggest strengthening and aerobic exercises.

22- A low impact aerobic session in the water.

23- It is a fermentation that is partly aerobic .

24- The aerobic conditioning alone is of great benefit in self defense.

25- Leg strength and aerobic conditioning are key to hill climbing.

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