1- James is really affable in his real life and he's a pro, said Quinto.

2- He taps on the arm of Angela Merkel in a very affable way, Mathilde Richter says.

3- The affable lawmaker said his effort has been more about informing than demanding commitments.

4- Steve has always been an extremely affable person.

5- The Reception and bar staff were equally affable .

6- Fisher was quick, affable , capable.

7- The staff at were particularly affable and keen to please.

8- Cousins was known for his affable presence and spirit.

9- The affable Mr Major has some worrying days ahead.

10- He's described as affable but often absent.

11- They are fine in stature and carriage, affable and gay.

12- He described his son as sensitive, willing and affable .

13- Thus Wednesday 12 February went much the usual affable way.

14- He is intelligent, creative, affable , and highly organized.

15- He's 'really an affable guy'.

16- The other is for a cricket coach, ambitious and affable .

17- Mobile still and more affable than rumor would have it.

18- Friendly and affable , but with a drinking problem.

19- She is married to Madhusudhan and is extremely affable .

20- The Comedy Store lower level contains no affable apparitions.

21- He was warm, welcoming, affable and approachable.

22- His affable and wholesome nature makes those around him protective of him.

23- Very affable ...a very sociable guy.

24- And who knows who comes after the affable Mr Gorbachev?

25- affable , humorous and devoid of arrogance and conceit.

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