1- The aerodrome's main runway runs east-west.

2- The town has had an aerodrome since 1917.

3- The precursors to international airports were airfields or aerodromes .

4- How can regional aerodromes recover the money?

5- What is Airways seeking from aerodrome operators?

6- There are approximately 1775 aerodromes in Canada.

7- An aerodrome operator decides that some procedures are no longer needed.

8- The review of service requirements at Milford aerodrome is continuing.

9- These museums offer displays of the aerodrome's military heritage.

10- aerodrome No. 5 flew 100 feet during December of 1894.

11- aerodromes are facilities where aircraft can take-off and land.

12- During the following years the aerodrome reverted to farmland.

13- This site was later used as the Madras aerodrome .

14- Walsall aerodrome operated from the 1930s until 1956.

15- Two more machines then rose from the aerodrome .

16- How soon before she could phone the aerodrome ?

17- The permanent RAF presence at the aerodrome ended in 1957.

18- This could result in new or increasing aerodrome landing fees.

19- For three years the aerodrome served as Liverpool's airport.

20- I landed back on our aerodrome at 1915.

21- He landed at the first aerodrome he saw.

22- An aerodrome crosses "Terre-de-Haut" island.

23- The Canadian aerodrome Company ceased operations in 1910.

24- The smaller Cambridge aerodrome mainly serves small charter airlines offering local tourist flights.

25- Remember, the Langley aerodrome crashed twice while trying to fly.

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