1- But that time is still afar off .

2- We therefore all were scattered even unto afar off .

3- O do not follow Jesus afar off !

4- I have worshipped You long and afar off .

5- It was reported afar off quite frequently that he had been killed.

6- The ancient Mariner beholdeth a sign in the element afar off .

7- Her merchants already stood afar off , lamenting for their great city.

8- They can not see afar off .

9- It divines afar off their coming.

10- In Luke all his acquaintances and the women 'stand afar off '.

11- As the world becomes more wicked, professed Christians are following the world afar off .

12- When he does, I want you to follow him from afar off .

13- Whilst I remained in this attitude I heard a Voice hailing me from afar off .

14- The girls gasped; but Dan and I were jubilant, snuffing battle afar off .

15- He saw the forms of Zeyd and Shibli afar off , standing watching as men smitten with dismay.

16- And the publican, standing afar off , Not daring to come near to the inner shrine, 13.

17- A few days afterward, the crew arrived on a small island they had seen afar off from Dragon Island.

18- Had they more of that peace and beauty which glimmered afar off , then were they to be envied.

19- For a God afar off is not able, even if He were willing, to purify the human soul.

20- I cannot understand why such indifference is manifested, why you should stand afar off and criticize and draw away.

21- The people were afraid to hear more and moved " afar off ", and Moses responded with "Fear not.

22- And now, he was in the shock of battlefields; and I - afar off - must watch and listen.

23- A walk was in itself a new enjoyment to him, and one that had rarely diversified his life afar off .

24- And his acquaintances also stood afar off , and the women who had followed Him from Galilee, seeing these things.

25- And all his acquaintance, and the women that followed him from Galilee, stood afar off , beholding all these things.

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