26- The press have two strategies for dealing with this affront .

27- This is a total affront to freedom of speech and academic freedom.

28- The senate were forced to ratify the choice and accept the affront .

29- Proof of the affront had been captured with a cell phone camera.

30- The rooks in their frenzy of building were an affront too.

31- He would take it as a personal affront .

32- They would see it as a personal affront .

33- He is affronted that anyone could make such an insinuation.

34- The kittens, affronted , squealed their protest and fled.

35- You say that lying is an affront to God's providence.

36- This was seen as an affront and insult to Genghis Khan.

37- Is it just because their outfits were perceived as an affront ?

38- Every Croatian tackle was a foul, an affront against his sensibility.

39- The episode was perceived as a serious affront to the Bourbon court.

40- In which case, this is a pernicious affront to public health.

41- Some saw Janet's exposed right breast as an attack against family values, an affront against the very moral fabric of American society.

42- Saying it was an affront to assurances to respect the cease-fire given to the United States and United Nations, which brokered the truce.

43- Allowing them to return home without pressing for free, fair and regular elections would be an affront to the citizens of these two countries.

44- The Obama Administration's words transformed Gilo into a settlement; planning in Ramat Shlomo became a personal affront to Vice President Biden.

45- Inspire, an anti-extremist campaign group of British Muslim women, described Mr Henning's death as "an affront to all Muslims across the world".

46- August 3, 2010 - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks in favor of the center, that blocking the center would be an affront to religious freedom.

47- Francisco has been planning revenge for this affront ever since.

48- King Cymru grimly aids him, considering Blodwen's betrayal an affront to his honour.

49- The former first family have affronted Taiwan and the Taiwanese people" @ 32;(2008-08-16).

50- Williams, 55 56, 62. However, Diocletian would not long put up with such an affront to his dignity.

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