1- This is considered different from an after-effect , such as an after-image.

2- after-images of bright objects may be produced on the retina.

3- During the cross images, the subjected perceived an after-image .

4- after-images of new and modified blocks are written to twin log files.

5- Here is an opportunity to investigate the causes after-images on the retina.

6- This is considered different from an after-effect, such as an after-image .

7- But after-images belong to sensation, and have nothing whatever to do with memory.

8- Hypnagogic experiences may also reflect after-images of activities protractedly engaged in during the preceding day.

9- But this can only ever be an after-image , a look-alike, inside out.

10- after-images flickered in the darkness.

11- And in his mind he formed a pattern of their vivid after-images against the dull mauve light.

12- In general, however, the eidetic resembles the after-image more than the memory image in respect to this characteristic.

13- Oulton has rekindled the colour theories of Impressionism and knows the value of the after-image as well as Monet ever did.

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