1- She added, as an afterthought, that she was going to do some shopping.

2- Helping refugees with disabilities should not be an afterthought but a priority.

3- Rather than being an afterthought, IT must always be in the mind of senior executives.

4- For many, Japan was largely an afterthought, a declining power with an aging population.

5- C., that is), disappearing into an afterthought in this hyper-tempo age of college football.

6- The antipasti, some of which would never be eaten in Naples, are anything but afterthoughts."

7- 331439 If you don't have one, or if you have a tiny afterthought-type deck, consider building one.

8- Training to support offshore outsourcing is sometimes an afterthought .

9- Writing is an afterthought and has become tedious.

10- Making a calendar app an afterthought is surprising .

11- Ethical considerations are made as an afterthought .

12- Economics was chosen almost as an afterthought .

13- But his family is often an afterthought .

14- This one chart shows how gambling has increasingly become an afterthought .

15- Providing goods and services of value became almost an afterthought .

16- Unlike many photo projects, the concept was an afterthought .

17- For some organisations, security is unfortunately an afterthought .

18- Back then, online marketing was usually an afterthought .

19- College golf was an afterthought at that point .

20- The plot and challenges seem to be afterthoughts .

21- The first thought engendered the first afterthought .

22- I 'm much more of an afterthought .

23- They feel like they were an afterthought .

24- The medical preparations for the relief force had been almost an afterthought .

25- It ca n't be fixed as an afterthought .

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