1- Its the aftermath of the A-bomb that was so gruesome.

2- As an aftermath of the abolishment , sixth form colleges are no longer needed.

3- Find someone who is afraid of spiders.

4- aftermathThousands of people lay dead in the aftermath of the tsunami.

5- Discussion question: In the aftermath of 9-11, do you feel less secure? agencyThere was no electricity for two days in the aftermath of the typhoon.

6- Mason Cooley once noted that the aftermath of joy is not usually more joy.

7- In the aftermath of the war, they left the country for a new life in America.

8- He changed his lifestyle completely in the aftermath of a near fatal heart attack.

9- The leader of the party was forced to resign in the aftermath of the election loss.

10- The building has been outfitted with a new alarm system in the aftermath of the fire.

11- Tourism to the area has decreased sharply in the aftermath of the rebel attacks on foreigners.

12- Thousands of refugees have been fleeing the country in the aftermath of the declaration of war.

13- The total cost of rebuilding the country in the aftermath of the civil war will be in the billions of dollars.

14- In the aftermath of the shootings at the school, many of the children experienced frequent, terrible nightmares.

15- In the aftermath of the earthquake, people from all over the world contributed money for food, shelter and medicines.

16- President George W.

17- Bush has declared war on terrorism in the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center.

18- The government must take action to make sure our airports are safe in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

19- The government has been spurred to take action to make sure our airports are safe, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

20- In the aftermath of 9/11, laws introduced by the American government to deal with suspected terrorists have raised concern among the international human rights commun

21- But it is youth that must fight and die.

22- And it is youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow, and the triumphs that are the aftermath of war.

23- Victims at the finish line in the immediate aftermath of the bombing.

24- And both U.K. stocks and the British currency surged in the aftermath.

25- In the aftermath of that massacre, residents fled their homes in fear.

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