1- Afterwords the power of the OOPart is his to use.

2- McKinley adds an afterword, describing the history of the tales of Robin Hood.

3- Some sausages are cooked during processing and the casing may be removed afterwords.

4- Wednesday is Indigo Blue: Discovering the Brain of Synesthesia (with an afterword by Dmitri Nabokov).

5- Thomas Jefferson once said that if he had had more time he could have written shorter letters, " writes Clinton, whose afterword helps make the trade paperback even longer, 969 pages.

6- This is not only a foreword to a book but also an afterword to a large chunk of my life.

7- In an afterword, Forsyth makes his point explicit, that humint is still a necessary part of espionage.

8- Bernie Whitebear Ethnobotanical Memorial Garden, afterwords, Edmonds Community College, October 11, 2005. Accessed 2007-03-12.

9- Afterword An afterword (literature) is frequently a piece of writing describing a time well after the time frame of the main story.

10- They succeed, and right on time because afterwords the Plane takes off and Jessie calls it "Woody's finest hour" (A TV episode name).

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