1- all-weather tennis courts were installed in 1973.

2- These accomplishments made all-weather airline operations practical.

3- A warm all-weather outer layer and decent shoes are recommended.

4- It is basically a unique all-weather hill station.

5- An all-weather running track was subsequently also laid.

6- An all-weather trim track has also been installed.

7- It has all-weather and night attack capability.

8- The recalled mats were of the optional " all-weather " type.

9- The airport is qualified for all-weather and night operations.

10- Create a hip patio with all-weather cushions .

11- I knew horses coming off an all-weather surface would be fit .

12- A 2nd all-weather astroturf pitch was opened in 2002.

13- It is an artificial and all-weather port with wet docks.

14- A major project modified this, providing an all-weather track.

15- Of course her hope was for an all-weather nourishment.

16- The highly textured surface feels less rubbery than some all-weather grips.

17- It was replaced with a new base and all-weather running surface.

18- We offer all-weather outdoor work from early Spring through late Autumn.

19- The airbase would eventually consist of four all-weather airfields.

20- It has four lighted tennis courts: three clay and one all-weather .

21- There are 80 boxes; watered and all-weather gallops.

22- There is all-weather boat and an inshore boat.

23- This is particularly evident in the development of all-weather gallops.

24- The first-generation jets gave way to all-weather dedicated interceptor jets.

25- These Meydan all-weather races can sometimes play like grass races .

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