26- These Model 70 rifles represent the ultimate in all-weather perfromance.

27- A tire manufacturer designed a new tread pattern for its all-weather tires.

28- An all-weather facility, Albany finally had a place to call home.

29- With the installation of GCA, all-weather airlift operations were assured.

30- The German fields were well-built all-weather operations.

31- An all-weather jacket or windbreaker with layers to wear underneath is ideal.

32- An all-weather road was built through the valley to support the hydropower development.

33- A complete network of 350 km all-weather serviced lanes exists in the town.

34- The race is a one-turn mile on the all-weather course .

35- They plan to go all-weather and floodlit.

36- Both all-weather fields are located just south of Indian Quad on campus.

37- The rapid strides made on the all-weather front really makes such betting fodder superfluous.

38- Second , Keeneland is an all-weather track.

39- The 41st Rescue Squadron has all-weather , all-environment capabilities.

40- However, the MAGTF needs the all-weather protection provided by artillery.

41- I'm still talking with Ashford Rugby Club as they are desperate for new facilities such as an all-weather pitch.

42- ;F-100J :Unbuilt all-weather export version for Japan.

43- 2. There is a new type of tire being offered called all-weather tires.

44- Building a permanent, all-weather road would cost an estimated $30 million split between three levels of government.

45- The all-weather Room is feet ( m) by feet ( m).

46- The reserve has been lobbying for years for construction of an all-weather road residents call Freedom Road.

47- ;MiG-19PF :Single-seat radar-equipped, all-weather interceptor fighter aircraft; built in small numbers.

48- 1971 September Construction began on an all-weather track and a regulation soccer field.

49- 58-0271) air defense all-weather interceptor * Convair F-102A Delta Dagger (No.

50- Advantages Loading bridges provide all-weather dry access to aircraft and enhance the security of terminal operations.

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