1- In World War Two, it cost the Allies about $225,000 to kill each enemy soldier.

2- the Allies defeated the evil empire in the fierce battle.

3- In March of 1943, the Allies won an important battle in the Bismarck Sea, ending efforts by Japan to send reinforcements to its troops in New Guinea.

4- In May of 1945, the Allies announced that all enemy forces in the Netherlands, Northwest Germany and Denmark had surrendered unconditionally.

5- All were imprisoned by the Allies after the war and later sentenced to death or given long prison terms for war crimes.

6- the Allies were able to break the German code during the war, allowing them to know of their plans in advance.

7- In World War Two, it cost the Allies about $225,000 to kill each enemy soldier.

8- the Allies condemned the invasion as a violation of UN resolutions.

9- After the war, the Allies helped pay to reconstruct the countries devastated during the bombing of Europe.

10- In the last year of the war the Allies used heavy bombers in a tactical role to support the Argonne Offensive.

11- the Allies' defeat at Gallipoli marked a strategic turning point in the war in the Middle East.

12- the Allies have made it clear they have no appetite for sanctioning Russia.

13- the Allies plundered the defeated while dictating a vengeful peace.

14- As the Allies departed, the city was on fire.

15- As the Allies gained more ground in Europe, LaPuzz, originally a light-truck driver, quickly got a new job.

16- Away from the Western Front, one theatre of war where the Allies suffered many casualties was in Mesopotamia.

17- But he added that the Allies would still require all of Iran's paths to a nuclear weapon to be blocked.

18- Did the Allies have the right to prosecute what Hitler had done to Jewish and other Germans?

19- He went to NATO and he talked to the Allies there about joining a coalition.

20- In the final treaty marking the conclusion of World War I, the Allies drop demands for an autonomous Turkish Kurdistan.

21- Many of the Allies, including Canada, have only recently paid dearly to try and foster freedom in Afghanistan.

22- Portugal and Savoy defected to the Allies after Blenheim.

23- Seventy years ago, at the end of World II, the Allies recognized that Germany must be given a fresh start.

24- Soon after, the Allies were racing across France.

25- the Allies are launching joint military drills.

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