26- the Allies at the end of World War Two saw a need to put together a team to do this.

27- the Allies even organized colourful parades in his honour.

28- the Allies have not agreed or disagreed to this rationale.

29- the Allies later renamed the airfield Henderson Field.

30- the Allies replaced their losses; the Luftwaffe could not.

31- The German military believed the depots would be crucial in the approaching defensive battle against the Allies.

32- The information gathered was then passed on to the Allies.

33- The new system was termed "Triton" ("Shark" to the Allies).

34- The success of his efforts provided the Allies with full access to all secret German war transmissions.

35- There were two major defensive obstacles to the Allies.

36- They wanted no compromises towards the Allies.

37- We had no idea the Allies were in Europe.

38- Working with the Allies, the submarine then took part in patrol and escort missions for the British navy.

39- Some of the Allies described the operation as the justified bombing of a military and industrial target.

40- 1946/48, Depending on the region, the Allies gradually lifted the ban on river travel in Germany.

41- 7 the Arabs instead of the Moabites are the Allies of the Ammonites. comp. I Macc. ix.

42- A German poster from January 1917 quotes a speech by Kaiser Wilhelm II lambasting the Allies for their decision.

43- A piloted glide bomb, called "Baka" (idiot) by the Allies."

44- After Operation Torch the French troops rejoined the Allies.

45- After the engagement, the Allies received news of the defeat of the Allied army at Thermopylae.

46- At 4pm, the Allies made a general advance up the peninsula for two miles (3 km).

47- At the Treaty of Chaumont (9 March) the Allies agreed to preserve the Coalition until Napoleon's total defeat.

48- Black May: The Epic Story of the Allies' Defeat of the German U-Boats in May 1943. Dell.

49- Both the seaport and the shipyard witnessed several air raids by the Allies from 1943 onwards, but suffered little damage.

50- Browning p.139-40 In spite of this the Allies had succesfully thwarted the French move into Germany.

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