51- But when thousands turned up at the Allies last weekend, his father called to offer support.

52- But, since the Allies had never recognised the RSI, Graziani's signature was not required at Caserta.

53- By then, however, the port of Antwerp in Belgium was supplying the Allies.

54- Charles fought for his father-in-law until after the Battle of Leipzig in 1813, when he joined the Allies.

55- Danzig and Memel were to be ceded to the Allies, their fate to be subsequently decided.

56- Despite the Soviets backing out of the alliance, the Empire is defeated by the Allies.

57- During this period the Allies thus took roughly $200,000,000 out of the German economy from this source alone.

58- France also had to pay a war indemnity of 700 million francs to the Allies.

59- From this journey came his book China and the Allies (1901).

60- From this point onwards, the Allies were to place increasing faith and reliance on their transport aircraft.

61- He ordered the French ships to rejoin the Allies and agree to be put out of use in a British, French, or neutral port.

62- Herodotus IX, 23 The outcome prompted the Allies to move to a position nearer the Persian camp, still on high ground.

63- Herodotus VII, 174 A second strategy was therefore suggested to the Allies by Themistocles.

64- Herodotus VII, 35 After the Persians' departure, the Allies collected their dead and buried them on the hill.

65- Hobson screened Ranger until she sailed November 11 for Norfolk, leaving the Allies fully in command of the assault area.

66- Holland, p226 the Allies initially adopted a strategy of blocking the land and sea approaches to southern Greece.

67- However, as an occupation authority, the historical rightfulness of the Allies were on the table.

68- However, his real strength came from going to Europe and learning from the Allies and then instituting the lessons.

69- However, the heat did not effect the war at sea where the Allies were in a position of strength.

70- I am whole-heartedly supporting the cause of the Allies against Germany.

71- In 1915, the Allies had lured the Italians into the war with a promise of substantial territorial gains in exchange.

72- In 1942, the Allies stopped the Axis advance in North Africa and the Soviet Union.

73- In all, the Allies were deploying 22,000 men in the operation.

74- In the expansion mission named "Situation critical" he was captured by the Allies, who attempted to re-program him.

75- In this context, the watchers left on Euboea could inform the Allies if the Persian fleet did indeed sail east of Euboea.

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