1- Permanent swamp forests are common on the alluvial plains.

2- alluvial deposits of varying fertility cover the relatively flat landscapes of the coastal plains.

3- alluvial fan deltas, as seen in their name, avulse frequently and more closely approximate an ideal fan shape.

4- For many centuries, Pabna and Mymensingh were built on alluvial soil deposited by those rivers.

5- Geography The district has a vast alluvial plain devoid of any hills.

6- Other rivers such as the Rio El Tambor also began unveiling alluvial jade.

7- The Arkansas Delta is a flat landscape of rich alluvial soils formed by repeated flooding of the adjacent Mississippi.

8- The main vegetation types are: *Sub-Himalayan Light alluvial Semi-Evergreen forests in the northern parts.

9- The parish is classed among the alluvial lands of the state.

10- These tributaries (especially the Eninska river) are characterised by plenty of alluvial formations.

11- The river spread out widely and inundated towns, villages, and cultivated fields on the densely populated alluvial fan.

12- Since 1984 Artel starateley «Amur» (part of the Russian Platinum group) develops this unique field of alluvial platinum.

13- 896357 The Terai belt Above the alluvial plain lies the Terai strip, a seasonally marshy zone of sand and clay soils. 9.0759

14- Mineral resources In the upper Mazaruni River basin, in 1890, near Issineru village, first alluvial diamonds were found in Guyana.

15- Once overlain by glaciers, the geology is marked by glacial moraines as well as alluvial deposits from the Delta and Tanana Rivers.

16- The alluvial deposits used by pre-Columbian people in the Chocó Department of Colombia are still a source for platinum-group metals.

17- The Orange River played a very significant role in the creation of the alluvial diamond deposits on the west coast of Southern Africa.

18- The land is flat, becoming swampy near the shores of the gulf, and is composed mostly of alluvial soils washed down from the mountains.

19- alluvial plains and deltas spread from the uplands surrounding the area where London now stands and eventually ran into this great lake.

20- In March 1864, 160 alluvial miners were reported to be working at Lamplough of a total of 1,605 miners working within the Avoca Division.

21- Vineyard soil types range from decomposed granite on the hillside near the mountains to sandy alluvial loam in the valleys near the rivers.

22- This sequence is interpreted to be to represent the progressive infill of the topography by alluvial fans building out into ephemeral lakes.

23- A layer of Late Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial and lacustrine deposits largely cover the central and southern parts of Faddeyevsky Island.

24- In fact it is lithified alluvial sediment.

25- Rice paddies occupy most of the countryside, whether on the alluvial plains, the terraced slopes, or wetlands and coastal bays.

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