51- The rivers have created the alluvial plains, including the mangrove swamps, in the past 20,000 years.

52- 741195 The soils are fine-grained alluvial with annual river flooding that maintains fertility. 4.7279

53- The alluvial valley is wide and relatively flat with a meandering river channel that changes its course.

54- Geology The West Siberian Plain consists mostly of Cenozoic alluvial deposits and is extraordinarily flat.

55- Very large alluvial fans merged to form continuous alluvial slopes called bajadas along the Panamint Range.

56- 581676 Hashimiyya lies within the range of the Fertile Crescent making alluvial cultivation possible. 32.156

57- 514970 alluvial gold deposits could be worked and the gold extracted without needing to crush the ore. 1.5224

58- Altdorf is sited on alluvial soil where the Schachen side valley enters the Reuss valley from the east.

59- Myricaria laxiflora, on the other hand, prefers the alluvial soil with sand and gravel in subtropics climate. The soil is of weak alkalinity, has low content of nutrient but moderate salt.

60- The alluvial soil on which the city stood was frozen all year round but thawed a few feet down during the summer.

61- Peaty alluvial soils characteristically have an O horizon which usually occurs at the surface but can be interbedded with freshwater alluvial sediments.

62- The facies includes alluvial fan, fan - delta, offshore lake, shallow lake and deep lake facies.

63- The western margin of the basin was close to the source regions and very steep, so that pebbly subaquatic alluvial fans were formed that were deposited from a gravity flow.

64- The parent material for the two locations is river alluvial soil.

65- Saline alluvial soils have high levels of exchangeable sodium and the effects of gleying are clearly evident.

66- The walls were mostly slate, apparently quite normal, grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition.

67- The farmers found the alluvial deposits at the mouth of the river very fertile.

68- There was deposition in large alluvial fans stretching out from the mountains in the south and the north-east into the flat plain.

69- China was born on the banks of the Yellow River, where the silt-laden water, rich alluvial soil[], and the harvested wheat all share the same yellow hue.

70- Mineral alluvial soils have an A horizon and the effects of gleying can be present.

71- alluvial soil A type of soil formed on river floodplains and deltas, where new sediment is deposited on the land during floods.

72- Saline alluvial soils have high levels of exchangeable sodium and the effects of gleying are clearly evident.

73- This paper made a description of the genesis, property and distribution of cemented layer in alluvial gold mines at the south part of China.

74- Jizhou ancient Yellow River, water, etc. Hutuo from low - lying alluvial plain.

75- Due to the higher buffer capacity of yellow soil, the risk of P release from it when flooded is less than that of purple soil or alluvial soil.

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