1- The myths contain philosophical truths which can be interpreted allegorically .

2- Al-Shahrastani had many reasons to speak somewhat allegorically .

3- allegorically , they mean to represent the spiritual holy writings.

4- allegorically it is said that a multitude of languages emerged.

5- The first passage has been interpreted both literally, allegorically and otherwise.

6- So you're willing to read Wittgenstein allegorically .

7- The outstretched hands reaching above allegorically symbolize the connection with the Creator .

8- allegorically , the "Purgatorio" represents the Christian life.

9- Pantaenus interpreted scripture both philosophically and allegorically .

10- The Catholic Apostolic Church believed that the Bible should be interpreted allegorically .

11- Thus, this is done allegorically , through parable, tale, or metaphor.

12- Many references are made to Babylon in the Bible, both literally and allegorically .

13- José Saramago has described his novel as allegorically depicting "a blindness of rationality".

14- SMS: My practice addresses the human condition in general and allegorically explores constraint in particular.

15- This corresponds allegorically to Ishmael.

16- In the recording Rathvon speaks of Lincoln's speech allegorically "echoing through the hills".

17- The Book of Revelation, speaking allegorically of ancient Rome , states, "Alas!

18- For example, the Brihadaranyaka interprets the practice of horse-sacrifice or "ashvamedha" allegorically .

19- So as this world is figurative in relation to the Hereafter, these objects are used allegorically .

20- Rather, it borrows terms from God's creatures allegorically to express His relation to His creation.

21- Philo interpreted the curses of regarding moving landmarks and misleading the blind to apply allegorically to virtue and vice.

22- On several occasions while listening to her music with friends he allegorically remarked, "Is Frances Faye God?

23- As a consequence, verses from the Qur'an may then be interpreted allegorically or even set aside.

24- The entire bible, and especially the book of Revelation, is treated allegorically and spiritually by many leaders today.

25- Paul was not speaking allegorically in this chapter, although that too is a valid idea in its own context.

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