1- allele exposure can cause genes to be expressed that are not otherwise expressed.

2- An example is the rex allele which appeared in Maine Coons in the early 1990s.

3- That is, the A allele is said to be dominant to the B allele, and the B allele is recessive to the A allele.

4- The remaining assumptions affect the allele frequencies, but do not, in themselves, affect random mating.

5- This structure is recognized by cleavase, which will cleave and release the 3' end of the allele-specific probe.

6- Thus, a completely described allele may be up to 9 digits long, not including the HLA-prefix and locus notation.

7- For A11, the alpha "A" chain are encoded by the HLA-A *11 allele group and the ß-chain are encoded by B2M locus.

8- Each son born to a carrier mother has a 50% probability of inheriting the X-chromosome carrying the mutant allele.

9- 33099 For A1, the alpha A"" chain are encoded by the HLA-A *01 allele group and the ß-chain are encoded by B2M locus."

10- Three groups with high levels, the Kogui, Sikuni, and Yucpa, have about 75% DQ8, the dominant DRB1* allele in 2 of 3 is the *0411 (N.

11- Each allele appears to encode at least two electrophoretically different isozymes, Bf and Bs, which are produced in allele-specific ratios.

12- The dominant A reveals the underlying tabby pattern, while the recessive non-agouti or "hypermelanistic" allele, a, prevents it.

13- If the target DNA has the same allele as the normal fragment, homoduplexes will form that will have the same melting temperature.

14- The disease is known to be caused by an X-linked dominant faulty allele and therefore the disease is more severe in male Samoyeds.

15- The allele responsible for the Xolo's hairlessness also affects the dog's dentition: Xolos typically have an incomplete set of teeth.

16- But in many cases, even genes on the same chromosome that are inherited together produce offspring with unexpected allele combinations.

17- If the heterozygote and the functional-allele homozygote have identical phenotypes, the functional allele is dominant to the non-functional allele.

18- Homozygous individuals with the mutant allele have almost no ALDH2 activity, and those who are heterozygous for the mutation have reduced activity.

19- In humans, each HLA allele is named with a number.

20- 714313 There is no useful serology associated with this allele. 19.4573

21- 996865 This C allele is responsible for producing red pigment. 3.2561

22- The rare allele of the SNP rs642961 showed a significant association with cleft lip cases.

23- 350380 Novel human TAP2*103 allele shows further polymorphism in the ATP-binding domain""."

24- Presence this type of HLA allele has a relative risk of evolving this disease by approximately 15%.

25- allele frequency of two intragenic microsatellite loci of SEL1L gene in Northern Italian population.

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