1- In an essay similarly devoted to allegorical procedures in contemporary art, Buchloh discusses women artists.

2- He said this was allegorical for what may happen with the rollout of automated vehicles too.

3- The elaborate allegorical framework was left standing.

4- His subjects are usually poetic and allegorical .

5- Let us proceed further along this allegorical highway.

6- Some of the later ones are allegorical .

7- The director also sought a different allegorical approach.

8- These tales are allegorical stories that teach a moral lesson.

9- I mean something far less allegorical than you might imagine.

10- What is the relationship between literal and allegorical layers of meaning?

11- They're allegorical landscapes that very much suited our thinking.

12- There are lots of narratives represented, historical and allegorical .

13- Also, president pharmacy welcomed allegorical to the result.

14- Is it that this game is allegorical ?

15- This addresses the allegorical sense of Scripture.

16- Imagine receiving performance feedback in metaphors, in allegorical verse!

17- Four of the murals depict allegorical figures representing the four freedoms.

18- That movie was obviously pretty good , regardless of allegorical meanings.

19- The public 's right to know reflects allegorical injustice.

20- The two figures in the centre are allegorical .

21- He painted portraits, allegorical pieces, and historical landscapes.

22- Kill La Kill 's allegorical political narrative seems clear.

23- allegorical stories transmitting spiritual truths have existed since man's beginnings.

24- The allegorical sculpture group of the tympanum was destroyed.

25- Note that all prophecies regarding the Messiah are allegorical .

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