51- Later, Tagore's dramas used more philosophical and allegorical themes.

52- Pherecydes' "Pentemychos" is thought to have contained a mystical esoteric teaching, treated allegorically.

53- Saint Augustine stressed the allegorical method of interpretation.

54- The Christians offered these conditions an allegorical interpretation.

55- The film's progression from documentary style to comedy to the fantastical ending reveal its allegorical point.

56- The original text of King Arthur no longer exists but it was to be in three acts with an allegorical prologue.

57- The Raker is, if anything, too nakedly allegorical, with a strong flavour of Gothic fantasy about it.

58- The theme of the recumbent woman often merged artistically with the non-allegorical one of a reclining Venus.

59- Theoria is in contrast to allegorical or symbolic interruptions of church traditions.

60- Symbolical of the important successes of this campaign, it allegorically represents the 'Key to Victory' in Europe.

61- They, as the majority of Muslim jurist-theologians, validated allegorical readings of scripture whenever necessary.

62- Some of his works include allegorical stone figures at Imperial Chemical House, London (1928) and The Kelham Rood (1929).

63- The quadro riportato is framed by flanking tabernacles containing allegorical figures that symbolize moral or aesthetic virtues.

64- Thus, Anquetin's works following the mid-1890s, such as Rinaldo and Armida, were especially Rubensian and allegorical in nature.

65- Andrew Barnett, in the same article as above, says: It would be easy to apply an allegorical interpretation to this Kalevala text.

66- The allegorical figure, at the base of the monument, is a reference to Ingram's efforts to bring the first piped water to the town.

67- 4735 They very rarely dealt with historical or even Biblical personages, but entirely with allegorical and moral abstractions. 4.7138

68- When Bernhard's satire bends into horror as the novel progresses, there is little allegorical distance for the reader to retreat into.

69- Each Graha carries a specific energy quality, which is described in an allegorical form through its scriptural and astrological references.

70- A mural by an unknown artist depicts a classical seated figure of Justice flanked by allegorical representations of Agriculture and Industry.

71- Instead, it relies on a visual style influenced by Japanese Zen gardens to tell the allegorical tale of a journey to distant mountains.

72- With her Dante witnesses a highly symbolic procession that may be read as an allegorical masque of the Church and the Sacrament.

73- Still life paintings, particularly before 1700, often contained religious and allegorical symbolism relating to the objects depicted.

74- As a result, Shields created a complex iconographical programme, in which Biblical subjects were mingled with more allegorical concepts.

75- Each continent is represented by a typical landscape and animals (or the painter's vision of these animals) and a female allegorical figure.

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