1- He introduced the word alleluia at Rome Greg.

2- The alleluia verse is then sung by cantor and people.

3- Like the Gregorian alleluias, the Laudes include two melismas on the word "alleluia" surrounding a simpler verse.

4- This group is restricted to a seven-bar 'alleluia' refrain repeated between various solo and instrumental sections.

5- Two alleluias were said after the "Ite missa est" for a week after Easter; for the whole of the remaining Paschal time one alleluia was said.

6- Chorale and alleluia is still a required competition piece for high school bands in the New York State School Music Association's repertoire list.

7- 247015 Jordan's river is chilly and cold, alleluia! 20.25

8- The refrain for Psalm 135 is "alleluia, alleluia.

9- Skalleluia broke the band into the national limelight, but somewhat restricted their audience to the church.

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