51- An optional 3rd row bench seat allowed for 9-passenger configurations.

52- Terracing allowed for an increased soil depth and impeded soil erosion.

53- This change allowed for the computer to use asymmetric multiprocessing.

54- Canadian legislation never allowed for punitive sterilization of inmates.

55- The large number of fish bones recovered allowed for a detailed analysis.

56- This allowed for the use of Po-2 planes, with which regular flights were made.

57- These cards allowed for a player to make Five of a Kind and thereby earn $150.

58- This allowed for spectacular panoramic shots in addition to six-channel audio.

59- The storm turned northward, where conditions allowed for continued development.

60- The use of virtual Turtles allowed for immediate visual feedback and debugging.

61- The original configuration allowed for an orchestra pit around the screen area.

62- It also allowed for more mud clearance as opposed to traditional forks designs.

63- The architecture always allowed for this however, so no new APIs were necessary.

64- This allowed for use of inexpensive 16K by 4-bit and certain 64K by 1-bit DRAMs.

65- A BAG may contain a particular value more than once, this is not allowed for SET.

66- The acquiring of a Model A Duplex Press in 1926, allowed for morning publication.

67- Electric motors drove the propellers and allowed for an authentic run-up sequence.

68- This allowed for gradual escalation and a possible backing down through diplomacy.

69- This allowed for the provisions of a new sentencing guideline to come into effect.

70- Some law allowed for the criminal to be housed and fed by the clergy for seven days.

71- The first phase (IG), which allowed for the redesignation of Route 291, is complete.

72- The increase in speed provided by the ticker allowed for faster and more exact sales.

73- The engine's revamp has allowed for improved and increased performance on most systems.

74- Only two smaller beaches are allowed for public use, Holland State Park and Tunnel Park.

75- It also allowed for simultaneous radio contact with other ships and planes in the task force.

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