51- almanac of Current World Leaders. p. 6. and joined the military as a young man, eventually rising to the rank of general.

52- Run under Windows XP, (maybe under 95/98/2000/NT) Nautical almanac Ephemerides of the celestial bodies used in navigation.

53- Following popular trends, he wrote an almanac for 1550, for the first time Latinizing his name from Nostredame to Nostradamus.

54- Airy, at length, published an account of the circumstances, and Adams's memoir was printed as an appendix to the Nautical almanac.

55- Michael Barone, The almanac of American Politics, (2006), p. 1520 Janklow is the longest-serving governor in South Dakota history.

56- 962265 There also have been several books about Dark Shadows, including The Dark Shadows almanac and The Dark Shadows Companion. 2.9743

57- 342247 He has published a yearly series of technology almanacs: Leo Laporte's Technology almanac and Poor Leo's Computer almanac. 21.4532

58- In Leipzig, he put out a sports almanac for 1844 and Taschenbuch für Jäger und Naturfreunde (Handbook for Hunters and Friends of Nature).

59- '" By 1846, for instance, Leavitt's almanacs were selling some 60,000 copies for that year's two editions a tremendous number for the era.

60- G Dear One Hundred Years of Skiff Racing British Rowing almanack 2001 The club has close historical links with Walton Rowing Club close by.

61- The almanac of American Politics, 2006 (2005), elaborate detail on every district and member; 1920 pages *Berg-Andersson, Richard E. (2001).

62- Stillman stands by the almanac's forecast.

63- It spiked with the release of the Farmers' almanac last August, which predicted that a Super storm would hit the Northeast at this time.

64- UPI almanac for Tuesday, June 3, 2014 The Battle of Midway began, the first U.S. spacewalk, Obama clinched nomination … on this date in history.

65- Drought-stricken California, along with the Pacific Northwest, will see normal precipitation and cool temperatures this winter, the almanac said.

66- Following popular trends, he wrote an almanac for 1550, for the first time Latinizing his name from Nostredame to Nostradamus.

67- Mr Goatberger knows his readership well, and prints his almanacks on thin paper, as many families use previous editions in their privies.

68- According to the California Political almanac, Hertzberg "racked up a sheaf of endorsements and raised well over $200,000 for the primary."

69- 1914 Boston Braves Schedule by Baseball almanac On September 7 and 8, the Braves took 2 of 3 from the New York Giants and moved into first place.

70- Strickland throws the magazine in the trash, and soon afterwards Marty discovers that it was not the almanac, but a risque girlie magazine instead.

71- The Observatory was used as a marketing centerpiece by Warner and his almanacs at the time ran essay contents and featured images of the Observatory.

72- Barnes dedicated Ryder and Ladies almanack to Thelma Wood, but the year both books were published-1928-was also the year that she and Wood separated.

73- Demographics As of the 2000 census, and according to the Los Angeles almanac there were 54,700 people and 28,833 households residing in Granada Hills.

74- Correll, John T. "The Vietnam War almanac", (PDF), AIR FORCE Magazine, September 2004. (with attribution to USAF Operations Report, 30 November 1973).

75- The XYZ almanacs from to were studied to discover the trend.

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