1- John Gunthorpe was the first person on record to have been called ‘King High almoner'.

2- For some years, he was an ordinary cloistered monk, but he became the almoner around 1435.

3- The "almoner of His Holiness," the pope 's official almoner, continues in office even after the pope dies.

4- The Royal Free Hospital hired Mary Stewart as the first almoner in 1895.

5- Margaret Jean Roxburgh, Head almoner , Middlesex Hospital.

6- After the war, military almoners where sent to occupation zones in Germany and Austria.

7- almoner - officer of a monastery entrusted with dispensing alms to the poor and sick.

8- Cardinal de Fleury, who had been Louis's tutor, was appointed her grand almoner .

9- In Europe, chaplains or almoners were appointed for administer the church's mission to the poor.

10- The chaplains, serving in the army, are named by one of these three military almoners .

11- The chaplains, confessors and almoners could serve in administrative capacities as well as the religious ones.

12- The Lord High almoner continued to perform the "pedilavium" at the Maundy ceremony until 1737.

13- The building takes the form of a courtyard surrounded by the chambers of the almoners and various offices.

14- When Henry VIII became King of England in 1509, Wolsey became the King's almoner .

15- He also served a lengthy term Lodge almoner and during 2007 and 2008 was Master of the Lodge.

16- His patron the Archbishop Aguiar y Seijas died and Sigüenza lost his lucrative post of Chief almoner .

17- The almoner was puzzled.

18- An almoner looked after the poor, an infirmarian looked after the sick and a hospitaller looked after visitors.

19- The ceremony was performed in the presence of the princes of the blood, almoners , bodyguards, and physicians.

20- Hammond Joseph Mitchell, almoner and Assistant Secretary of the Saint George's Society, New York.

21- In the 1950s, military almoners where sent in the French Union's territories, including Indochina and Algeria.

22- To this end, he sent a referendary and an almoner , both of them worthy men, to ascertain the truth.

23- In 1715, the king made him Lord almoner , which office was resigned in his favour by the archbishop of Canterbury.

24- Great almoner of the queen, he assisted in 1775 at the coronation of Louis XVI as a peer of the kingdom.

25- In November 1489, Sultan Bayezid II of the Ottoman empire sent the relics of John the almoner to King Matthias Corvinus.

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