1- The polar bear's diet consists almost entirely of seals and fish.

2- Jellyfish are comprised almost entirely of water.

3- Moreover, the South was almost entirely a single industry economy that was made profitable by unpaid laborers.

4- They are so inbred that they consist almost entirely of clones.

5- What might not be known is this: the concert series is almost entirely volunteer.

6- 'Cervical cancer is caused almost entirely by a dozen or so strains of HPV,' Schiffman told Reuters Health.

7- A: The tracking of airplanes is almost entirely radar based, either commercial or military.

8- Braley and the Dem Super PACs are almost entirely anti-Ernst now.

9- But the windfall is almost entirely reserved for Best Picture winners.

10- Eventually, their hobby turned into a full-time business, one which they run almost entirely by themselves.

11- He stopped talking about immigration almost entirely.

12- Headspace has an impressive number of users for a product that has spread almost entirely by word of mouth.

13- His schedule shows that he spent the next 10 days focused almost entirely on Ferguson.

14- In a basement in Istanbul, a textile factory hums with activity -- staffed almost entirely with Syrian children.

15- It is the only real private rescue mission in the Mediterranean, and it is almost entirely funded by donations.

16- It was then and remains today "Watts." advertisement Watts then was almost entirely working-class black and poor.

17- On a side note, he is inspired almost entirely by the sea.

18- On Monday, Ford unveils a new F-150 with a body built almost entirely out of aluminum.

19- Some committees rarely examine legislation, while others focus almost entirely on bills.

20- Soundboard Lutes are made almost entirely of wood.

21- South America falls almost entirely to Spain.

22- Steyer has now given $26.6 million this cycle to his efforts, bankrolling it almost entirely on his own.

23- TEP students are almost entirely Hispanic or African American and 90 percent are on the free-lunch program.

24- The 1998 crisis was almost entirely economic.

25- The devastated city was almost entirely rebuilt after the war and contains a vast memorial complex.

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