1- Bob will almost certainly get the job because he has more seniority than anyone else who applied for it.

2- But he is also almost certainly still in power.

3- It is almost certainly unlike any cider you have ever tried before.

4- 'There is almost certainly a connection.

5- What's more, the next crash will almost certainly be considerably nastier than the last one.

6- Why, for all that is holy, would he do the ONE thing that would almost certainly bring his demise!

7- A two-week Easter recess begins next week, so Lynch's confirmation vote will almost certainly be delayed until April.

8- Abe will almost certainly get his election victory; a mandate is another matter, however.

9- Activision will almost certainly get its money back, and more.

10- almost certainly not,' the official said.

11- almost certainly served with a two man crew.

12- almost certainly, there will be some arrests in the burnings.

13- And the lack of acorns almost certainly will keep squirrels from bearing as many young this spring and summer.

14- Another, Tristan Thompson, would almost certainly have played for Canada had he been under contract at the time.

15- At the very least, they almost certainly have been on every train you have taken over the last month.

16- Based on what Trudeau and Mulcair have said, he'd almost certainly lose a confidence vote in the House.

17- But the campaign itself will almost certainly be underway.

18- But without human intervention, at least two would almost certainly die.

19- Canada will almost certainly follow, though with a time lag, depending on the state of the economy here.

20- Catania and Schwartz will almost certainly qualify for the ballot.

21- Down the road, Kavanaugh almost certainly is contemplating taking Relativity Media public.

22- Elliott says such cuts "will be cumulatively enormous - and almost certainly unachievable.

23- Even if he did decide not to run, Grimm's name would almost certainly still be on the ballot.

24- Germany or France will almost certainly stand in the Americans' way.

25- Given the dire nature of the situation in Syria, he is almost certainly assured of being granted residency.

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