1- Almost no one tunes their radio to anything but FM these days.

2- Gable says they were hopeful the public or more than 100 area rescue agencies would step up, but almost no one has.

3- I was left with nothing to do and almost no one to talk to.

4- Notice, almost no one says that about Indian immigrants speaking Bengali or Koreans talking among themselves.

5- almost no one who understands personal finance would give such advice in good faith.

6- almost no one has done that and that's something he has to show in training.

7- 367860 In this way, almost no one escaped the effects of the real estate crash, even those fortunate enough to keep their jobs and homes.

8- So almost no one will benefit from it in Colorado and California will use up it's allotment after only 1800 buyers (no money to pay it out).

9- 34769 'almost no one wants to take ownership of the issue,' he said.

10- Especially for two 20-year-olds, who have made a choice almost no one their age makes: homeownership.

11- Thoreau first tried to make a career of teaching school and then wrote essays, which almost no one bought.

12- However, almost no one thought we had any chance of passing the rigorous war-fighting inspection soon to come.

13- If these are all examples of attempts to convert "down time" into useful time, take note of the way in which "down time" has been expanded.30. We've come here to where almost no one has ever been. To the Bay's deepest, darkest waters. As we descend, we take note of the angler fish.

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