51- Becoming aloof and solitary, Larry wanders Tokyo late at night.

52- He always stands aloof from the masses.

53- He stood aloof from her.

54- Jascar associates little with other gods, who see him as driven and aloof.

55- The police appeared helpless to control the mob violence, and the military stood aloof.

56- I simply wish to refuse allegiance to the State, to withdraw and stand aloof from it effectually.

57- 85621 Foreman was sometimes characterized by the media as an aloof and antisocial champion. 1.9853

58- Unselfish and aloof from the world, he loves fishing and travels the land in search of good fishing spots.

59- In Düsseldorf Gude met Carl Friedrich Lessing who, while initially aloof, became Gude's friend and colleague.

60- Williams's aloof attitude led writer John Updike to wryly observe that "gods do not answer letters."

61- He has an uncommunicative and eccentric disposition, and always stands aloof from anyone else.

62- He seemed aloof and detached.

63- Wendigo: Wise and powerful, aloof and disdainful.

64- I asked Jack for his political views, but he said he preferred to hold aloof.

65- There were many things that had kept her aloof and apart from the crowd.

66- Never stand aloof from the masses.

67- Throughout the conversation he remained silent and aloof.

68- The Lorrimores had arrived, each wearing yesterday's expression: pleasant, aloof, supercilious, sulky.

69- He seemed kindly disposed, yet glum, and held himself somewhat aloof.

70- There were many things that had kept her aloof and apart from the crowd.

71- Ascetic and pragmatic, in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife, wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic.

72- If you have enough patience and chariness, you can not only watch the aloof and proud egret standing in the water but also catch sight of the slim kingfisher diving into the water for fish.

73- Many people keep aloof from politics.

74- A little aloof, as became an aristocrat, lay a black-spotted carriage dog, muzzle on paws[], patiently waiting for the boys to go home to supper.

75- He preferred to remain aloof, an invisible presence worshipped from afar.

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