51- At the age of 13, Erwitt received a dog and a camera, two presents that would alter the course of his life.

52- Avengers: From comics to screen 20 photos Tony Stark's friend "Rhodey" has an alter ego of War Machine.

53- Because of the trend of a lot more people getting tattoos, agencies are looking to adjust or alter or make new policy.

54- Brady insisted: "I didn't alter the balls in any way."

55- But alter Bridge will go on, and that's that."

56- But do all of these words mean that Iran is going to actually alter its foreign policy toward Yemen and the Houthis?

57- But it won't alter anyone's campaign plans.

58- But the team was forced to alter their goals as four region losses locked them out of postseason contention.

59- Changes that disrupt such matching can alter plant species recruitment and the trajectory of co-evolution, they wrote.

60- Comedian Mary Walsh, who was dressed as her alter ego Marg, Warrior Princess, and a cameraman were at his home.

61- Doing anything would also change alter the salary cap structure.

62- Eleven generations from now, if we alter something and it doesn't work properly we will simply fix it.'

63- For example the CMAP chunks to alter the color palette.

64- Former defence minister Peter MacKay ordered rescue commanders to alter the hours of operation as needed.

65- From his alter-ego Larry Bernandez to hot-sauce-covered baseballs, it's made him more popular.

66- Government must not try to alter market conditions.

67- Hazleton police said Peguero followed the woman, whom he did not know, on alter Street.

68- He attempts to hook his alter-ego Brett up with Heather.

69- He can also create shields out of pure alter power.

70- He said if either Ford doesn't run for mayor, it will alter the dynamic of the campaign.

71- His decision can potentially alter the landscape of the NBA.

72- I now know that you will develop an alter ego who bursts out of you Hulk-style during frustrating situations.

73- Implants can support themselves and won't alter or impact healthy, neighboring teeth.

74- In another, John Epperson, best known for his ferocious drag alter ego, Lypsinka, was choosing among bejewelled crowns.

75- International Edition The Lead with Jake Tapper - Weekdays 4 P.M. ET Did New York inmates alter their appearance?

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