51- The same style of movement is kept with slight alterations for the 3-D environment.

52- The Times, January 6, 1894 Accordingly there were many alterations over the next few years.

53- The yacht was docked at Brest shortly after noon that day for alterations.

54- There have been no significant alterations to the property since.

55- There were a number of Hart variants made, though only slight alterations were made.

56- These alterations do not appear in either the PAL or Japanese versions.

57- These cars had minor alterations, and a further four chassis were built to this specification.

58- These results were correlated to alterations in hormonal and metabolic activity.

59- They have a complex system of accent and ablaut alterations between the root, the stem and the ending (see below).

60- Early changes in Huntington's disease patient brains involve alterations in cytoskeletal and synaptic elements.

61- Brook commissioned alterations and extensions to the house from Dumfries architects James Barbour and J. M. Bowie.

62- 192535 This made alterations to the Operation Orders necessary, which were then distributed to all concerned. 18.7693

63- By 2001, Dauer had completed their alterations to the EB110s and offered the five chassis they had finished for sale.

64- Andrews, p. 90. Initially, there was little opposition during the consultation period before the alterations were made.

65- The billboard alterations from this time are among his favorites because there was a very clear goal and plan of action.

66- The manor work started in 1466 with the construction of a moat and other alterations which were not finished until 1568.

67- 798531 When quoted material is in any way altered, the alterations are enclosed in brackets within the quotation. 8.7139

68- 143386 He did such an accurate job that after the pre-screening, he ended up making only very minor alterations. 27.6645

69- 3093 The King's closed for ten months, during which time underwent some dramatic structural alterations internally. 20.241

70- B-1 Lancer "Bone" The B-1A mockup review had occurred in late October 1971 and there had been 297 requests for alterations.

71- Main alterations introduced by Patriarch Nikon The numerous changes in both texts and rites occupied approximately 400 pages.

72- A level crossing was provided to access the station, and after more alterations in 1926 the station took the form it is today.

73- Cyclosporin-A treatment attenuates delayed cytoskeletal alterations and secondary axotomy following mild axonal stretch injury.

74- MLL is believed to be prognostically unfavorable in AML-M5 compared to other genetic alterations involving MLL such as t(9;11).

75- A new wing and extensive alterations including a new library have recently been built, and there are further extensions planned.

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