76- The storyline with the princes is almost entirely altered.

77- The UK-led project is trying to determine how big these communities were, and to what degree they altered the landscape.

78- There is firmness to the sun-dried ground, a much altered-terrain from the aftermath of the March 22 Oso mudslide.

79- This song has different music and slightly altered lyrics.

80- TMZ said it altered the surveillance-camera footage to "smooth it out."

81- Two northbound lanes will be altered to one northbound lane and one southbound lane.

82- When Madden left coaching after the 1978 season, PEDs really had not yet altered the NFL landscape.

83- Wu Jianlong, who braved the pain right up to level 10, says the experience radically altered his views on childbirth.

84- Rei Ginsei's character was almost entirely altered, including his ethnicity.

85- The experiment was meant to see if the aliens could be altered so that no race had dominace over another.

86- Photos were altered to hide the fact that a FuG16 radio was in the cockpit, used to order Sieber not to bail out.

87- In 1994, an audit found that 287 student had had their transcripts altered.

88- ^(IV) The text of the telex message has been altered for readability.

89- 154 This gave the Giants a much needed influx of revenue, and perhaps altered the history of the franchise.

90- A flashing red light meant history had been altered and a steady green light meant that history was as it should be.

91- A public law or right cannot he altered by the agreements of private persons.

92- A recent controversial intervention to save the beach from erosion has slightly altered the original texture of the sand.

93- Adding to the ambiguity is the fact the reveal comes from the mind of a clone whose memory had been altered.

94- Additionally, several fatalities (now called "Finishing Bonus") were altered or changed completely.

95- After several parents complained about their children being "altered," she quit.

96- Alito's "record" had been pointedly altered to present him in a negative light.

97- All body panels were altered slightly and a completely new dashboard was fitted.

98- Also, the field can be altered making the subject see the world upside down.

99- And Japan's upset of the Springboks has altered perceptions of what can and can't be done.

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