26- Sean and Julia interpret this as mockery, and Julia forces Annie to throw out her toys after she alters their hands.

27- Expression of a constitutively activated plasma membrane H+-ATPase alters plant development and increases salt tolerance.

28- However, even autopen signatures will eventually change as the signature drum becomes worn and thereby alters the signature.

29- Each such mutation alters the epitope-binding ability of the paratope slightly, creating new clones of B cells in the process.

30- For his 'chameleon-paintings', which change colour and content if the angle of view alters, he needs only sand and paint on his canvas.

31- A slave woman finds the child and the ship alters the aliens appearance to look exactly like the first life form the alien encountered.

32- Angel of Destiny The Angels of Destiny are the protectors and overseers of the Grand Design, ensuring that no one alters it unnaturally.

33- Each member alters the genre by adding, contradicting, or changing constituents, especially those of members most closely related to it.

34- " Ivinskaya (1978), page 232. The Swedish Academy announced: This refusal, of course, in no way alters the validity of the award. 70.8203

35- Even a bother to fellow HOLY members, Emergy is first called in episode 10 to aid in the capture of Kazuma and several other Native alters.

36- But whatever your type of tattoo, research has shown that it profoundly alters the way in which you will be perceived.

37- If the preparer then alters the return after you've signed off on it, that's proof that it was a false return that was filed.

38- Our first-past-the-post system actually alters the way we vote, as so often we vote strategically, based on polls, and out of fear.

39- Three sets of a pair of molecules make up each spike, and the spike alters its shape before and during cell binding, the researchers said.

40- In profound examples, it radically alters the perceptions of the person experiencing it, infusing them with new insight and understanding.

41- Spanking the gray matter out of kids July 23, 2014 -- Updated 1154 GMT (1954 HKT) Researchers say physical punishment actually alters the brain.

42- The device is a telephone booth where the characters dial a number and propose a "what if" scenario which alters the world.

43- This detects problems that can arise where fixing something later in the development cycle unexpectedly alters other functionality.

44- As the AMS agents fight it, the World continuously alters its form to meet their threats, each time growing larger and more powerful.

45- Her appearance alters from time to time and it is unclear if this is an effect of her connection to the planet or artist interpretation.

46- Angle to light source Shading alters the colors of faces in a 3D model based on the angle of the surface to the sun or other light sources.

47- As the series progresses, Koch's role alters to that of being a useful spy for Moser in certain situations where his team are too well-known.

48- Stockman regains control when he is freed by the Fugitoid, an ally of the Turtles, when he alters his voice to override the Shredder's commands.

49- The bill alters sections of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial overhaul.

50- Garbage which is dumped into streams and rivers often accumulates on beaches, where it alters the environment of the oceans.

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