1- Sky-divers rely on a special device called an altimeter which tells them how high they are, and how fast they are falling, so they know when to open their parachute.

2- The onboard accelerometer, gyroscope and altimeter track data that you can monitor with the preloaded fitness app.

3- Tools such as GPS and altimeters are forbidden.

4- Using a laser altimeter, the spacecraft will communicate with the marker to find a spot to land on the surface.

5- 'A thousand and eighteen is probably the most important thing-that's the altimeter setting.'

6- ABS and Field Monitor showing altimeter, thermometer and pressure was standard in all the models.

7- Data from the spacecraft's laser altimeter have given scientists their first 3-D views of Mars' north polar ice cap.

8- Most skydivers wear a visual altimeter, but increasingly many also use audible altimeters fitted to their helmet.

9- The first officer's altimeter was also set incorrectly at 30.12 InHg causing it to read 120 feet low.

10- Using a airborne laser altimeter, Haala, Brenner and Anders combined height data with the existing ground plans of buildings.

11- The crash was caused by a combination of bad weather and a failure on the part of both pilots to read the altimeter correctly.

12- When the missile is in flight it compares the stored map data with radar altimeter data collected as the missile overflies the map.

13- The altimeter records the time it takes the waves to bounce off the surface and back to the satellite.

14- In 1924, American engineer Lloyd Espenschied invented the radio altimeter.

15- Sky-divers rely on a special device called an altimeter which tells them how high they are, and how fast they are falling, so they know when to open their parachute.

16- National Aeronautics and Space Administration engineers touted an experiment aboard Endeavour called the shuttle laser altimeter.

17- He watched the altimeter unwind and he blinked repeatedly as his Kittyhawk smashed through the tortured, blackened air.

18- A barometric altimeter indicates height above sea level or some other selected elevation.

19- He watched the altimeter unwind and he blinked repeatedly as his Kittyhawk smashed through the tortured, blackened air.

20- A laser altimeter will measure the distance to Eros, gradually assembling a detailed topographical map.

21- If the view-area angle of seeker is changeless, the reducibility of the threshold of altimeter will avoid that remora keeps out the LOS of seeker. This helps to capture the target.

22- He watched the altimeter unwind and felt his straps grip as the desert floor swung up to face him.

23- The Tomahawk instead compares real time data from its altimeter and radar with satellite imagery from a stored database to make sure it's precisely on course.

24- A barometric altimeter indicates height above sea level or some other selected elevation.

25- The parachute caps and altimeters must be wore, and parachute opener must be brought skydiving.

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