1- Chychrun said Voyer and Maninang were near the area where the avalanche hit but were at a lower altitude.

2- Migration Red Deer in Europe generally spend their winters in lower altitudes and more wooded terrain.

3- The centers of Southern Chile are located at lower altitudes and most of them are on volcano slopes.

4- The only treatment is to return to lower altitudes and acclimatise.

5- The wind speed is slower at a lower altitude, so less wind energy is available for a given size turbine.

6- This enables pilots to safely fly at lower altitudes, not having to rely on ground-based systems.

7- Thus, some other energization process was required at lower altitude.

8- Tea is grown at slightly lower altitude and hence Coonoor and Kotagiri are local centres of tea cultivation and processing.

9- Elevations range between 6,000 to 22,000 feet, and inhabitants are found in lower altitude, where they enjoy a cool temperate climate.

10- These conditions allowed the Incas to grow species of plants native to lower altitudes that otherwise could not have flourished at this site.

11- NDB signals follow the curvature of the earth, so they can be received at much greater distances at lower altitudes, a major advantage over VOR.

12- The annual range can be several square kilometers (hundreds of hectares) when storms and heavy snowfall force the birds to winter at lower altitudes.

13- Sorghum, millet, and corn are cultivated mostly in warmer areas at lower altitudes along the country's western, southwestern, and eastern peripheries.

14- The plane made a dive to a lower altitude.

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