1- If yaks, the beast of burden in the Himalayas, travel below 7,000 feet, they get reverse altitude sickness, and may actually die.

2- Many travelers to Bolivia become incapacitated by altitude sickness caused by the thin air.

3- In Bolivia, the government revealed the Pope asked to chew coca leaves during his visit, to combat altitude sickness.

4- In extreme cases, altitude sickness can even cause death, according to Tabor.

5- They face avalanches, altitude sickness, lack of oxygen and brutal cold.

6- If yaks, the beast of burden in the Himalayas, travel below 7,000 feet, they get reverse altitude sickness, and may actually die.

7- Many travelers to Bolivia become incapacitated by altitude sickness caused by the thin air.

8- However, in extreme cases, altitude sickness can be fatal.

9- The former tennis star Martina Navratilova has been forced to abandon attempts to climb Africa's highest mountain after suffering from altitude sickness.

10- An expert on altitude sickness says he hasn't got long to live.

11- Some people develop altitude sickness when climbing high mountains.

12- The climbers failed to reach the summit because of altitude sickness.(30) The disease was commonly referred to as "the green sickness".

13- Theroux had a deep gash on his face, neckache, altitude sickness and a damaged wrist.

14- Dehydration is one of the keys to altitude sickness.

15- Dehydration is one of the keys to altitude sickness.

16- People with altitude sickness should not take any aircrafts.

17- The climbers failed to reach the summit because of altitude sickness.

18- At 2000 metres altitude sickness becomes a problem and acclimatisation is essential.

19- Last summer altitude sickness ruined one Sierra trip of mine and half-ruined another.

20- I was suffering from altitude sickness in Chahare.

21- The former tennis star Martina Navratilova has been forced to abandon attempts to climb Africa's highest mountain after suffering from altitude sickness.

22- A lowlander exposed to the low oxygen concentrations of high elevations can quickly fall victim to altitude sickness, whose symptoms include nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.

23- I am light-headed, perhaps from a mild attack of altitude sickness.

24- According to research altitude of more than 3,000 meters often cause altitude sickness in mountain climbers.15. The leaf is also used as a tea for altitude sickness.

25- altitude sickness,() is a result of the reducedpressure and lower oxygen concentrations at high elevations.

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