1- Satellite systems are placed at medium-range altitudes, from about 8,000 to 13,000 kilometers in space.

2- In high altitudes, people find it hard to breathe.

3- 'What better to get a photo of the skyline then great altitudes.'

4- AP Scheib set off on the Yerba Canyon Trail, which reaches altitudes above 12,000 feet, Taos Search and Rescue said.

5- But extreme cold, low air pressure and high altitudes create planning hurdles.

6- Incursions into personal space are a familiar source of aggravation at high altitudes.

7- The pilots needed the pressure suits for the extremely high altitudes.

8- Altitude The wind blows faster at higher altitudes because of the reduced influence of drag.

9- Another five hits were claimed by B-17s from higher altitudes.

10- As he was born with a hole in his lungs, he cannot do strenuous exercise or go to high altitudes.

11- At very high altitudes, there is less oxygen in the air and less protection against solar radiation ( UV ).

12- Climate The climate of the state is tropical monsoon, but variations exist because of difference in altitudes.

13- Fonck took few chances, patiently stalking his intended victims from higher altitudes.

14- II was a much more formidable weapon with capabilities against Mach 2 aircraft at high altitudes.

15- Irrigation for land cultivation is obtained from the rivers, abundant with melting snow water from higher altitudes.

16- It was designed to cope with low octane fuel and high altitudes.

17- Migration Red Deer in Europe generally spend their winters in lower altitudes and more wooded terrain.

18- Minimum holding altitude is 2,000 feet, with a minimum of 1,000 feet vertical separation between holding altitudes.

19- Moreover, VAM added unique engineering features to deal with low octane fuel and high altitudes.

20- Performance for these models at higher altitudes was better than their Allison-engined cousins.

21- The Agency is outside the monsoon zone, yet at higher altitudes a fair amount of rainfall is received.

22- The capsules are completely sealed, allowing for full pressurization at altitudes.

23- The centers of Southern Chile are located at lower altitudes and most of them are on volcano slopes.

24- The company had asked for permission to fly at altitudes up to 500 feet (150 meters.

25- The cool, moist slopes are populated by large beech forests, which can extend as high as altitudes of metres (0 ft).

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