26- Fluoropolymers can be used in special formulations, Teflon with magnesium or aluminium being a relatively common example.

27- Following concerns over the suitability of the polymer construction, this was replaced by an aluminium design.

28- For 1975, bumpers were enlarged and the tail lights were enclosed in a full-width anodised aluminium trim piece.

29- High aluminium will also make it more difficult to tap off the liquid slag.

30- However, in 1995 the influx of Russian aluminium caused a slump in the LME prices.

31- In 2001, it was fabricated in a 0.13 µm process with aluminium interconnects.

32- In 2006, Mozambique's share of the world's tantalum mine output amounted to 6%; beryllium, 5%; and aluminium, 2%.

33- In February 1993, privatisation of the aluminium industry began.

34- In recent times aluminium and steel have found their way into Birhor huts.

35- In the laboratory, aluminium oxide (or porous pot) must be heated.

36- Initially there were concerns over the low fracture toughness of HDPE, when compared to steel or aluminium.

37- It featured an all-welded aluminium hull, increased armour, digital fire control system and more powerful engine.

38- It uses American engine blocks obtained from Oldsmobile 's aluminium alloy 215 engine.

39- Metal zippers are made in brass, aluminium and nickel, according to the metal used for teeth making.

40- Mo achieved the atypical bass sound by using an unusual bass slap technique on an aluminium Kramer 650B bass guitar.

41- Mr Liow told reporters in Malaysia that aluminium frames and broken pieces of material were found.

42- Normal subsonic aircraft are traditionally made of aluminium.

43- Normally, aluminium is protected by a thin layer of oxide making it inert.

44- Of the aluminium cans and PET bottles that affected by the deposit that are sold, 86% are returned.

45- Once amalgamated, aluminium can undergo a variety of reactions.

46- One year later, the first aluminium was produced by the Dneprovsky smelter in Ukraine.

47- Schwarz busied himself using aluminium for construction, then a very new material.

48- Silver items are dipped into this "bath" to clean them, making sure the silver makes contact with the aluminium foil.

49- Specifications Design and engineering Like the Audi A8 's, the X350's chassis and body are constructed from aluminium.

50- The aluminium crankcase was cast in two parts and counterweighed.

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