51- The results showed that the gel time of uncured resin could greatly affected by ambience, which is much shorter in air than in an atmosphere.

52- Literature often reacts magnificently to an ambience of unease or apparent breakdown.

53- The overall ambience of the room is cosy.

54- On top of that, Bolero 's romantic ambience made it particularly well suited for matchmaking.

55- The yawp pollution of freeway to the ambience is rather severe.

56- An ambience of embattled loneliness hovers over most of them.

57- The interior is furnished simply but very pleasantly in keeping with the old-world cottage ambience of the house.

58- Imagine the tranquility of a Tuscan valley, combined with the exotic ambience of Asia.

59- After a day in the office, even I felt the benefit of the quiet ambience.

60- On Necker, the pace is tropical, the ambience exotic.

61- Prices aren't too high at the Osteria, and the ambience is bright and inviting.

62- The ambience was mechanical, the chips like cardboard and the bread poor.

63- The interior is furnished simply but very pleasantly in keeping with the old-world cottage ambience of the house.

64- The Neva River itself, together with its many canals and their granite embankments and bridges gives the city a unique and striking ambience .

65- This ambitious and cumbersome attraction was totally out of keeping with the Niagara ambience, but Barnett persisted.

66- A cocky, selfish veteran who loves nothing but his AK-47, Sacha is at home in the cynical ambience of combat.

67- The ardency samba is full of the triumphant ambience and all kinds of Cariban music. It is the most attractive landscape of Latin America.

68- Maple trees are sensitive to sudden increases in sunlight, having grown up in the dimmed ambience of sheltering neighbor trees.

69- The uncertain nature of water environment system mainly includes randomness , fuzziness and grayness.23, This paper presents a facial organs positioning method based on grayness mutation at the organs' circumambience.

70- By the beginning of the twentieth century the attitudes and ambience of many foreign offices were altering quite rapidly.

71- The invaders have destroyed the, oh, I don't know what the right word is-the atmosphere, the ambience.

72- Three years later, intolerant of the uncheerful and insipid ambience within the household, my mother adopted a little boy from a tribal clan.

73- The ambience also delighted King(), and they talked amicably through nine courses and three hours.

74- The statue has a gentleness, an ambience, a wistful elegance.

75- A sonar array signal simulator generating signals received by hydrophones in a sonar array is useful in underwater acoustic engineering. It can simulate true detected targets as well as the ambience.

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