76- As maintained by its proponents, the ambience formed from the diffused light of the candle makes this aromatherapy diffuser perfect for the bedroom, on your desktop, or in bathrooms.

77- This film's great achievement is to place political betrayals and inter-family conflicts within the ambience of daily life.

78- After a day in the office, even I felt the benefit of the quiet ambience.

79- Braitman and Ehrenzweig like having it where they live, and feel its cooperative, relaxed ambience is very San Francisco.

80- More importantly, the display highlights any system or area experiencing abnormal conditions, whether plant malfunction or unacceptable ambience levels.

81- Rachaela put her foot on the red Persian carpet and started up, out of the scarlet ambience of the lamp.

82- The warm ambience of Pulse lobby lounge is the perfect stop-off point at evening for an appetite-tempting spread of sweets and other savories, freshly prepared specialty coffees and cocktails.

83- The morale and ambience in company.

84- The counter, and other doors are attractively finished in Ash wood which makes for a light and airy ambience.

85- When the electronic ambience washed in, the saxophone and drums twittered anxiously.

86- The ambience of the pub is equally important.

87- The ardency samba is full of the triumphant ambience and all kinds of Cariban music. It is the most attractive landscape of Latin America.

88- Describing it as a "beautiful rip-off", BirdAbroad revealed how far the owners had gone to copy the decor and ambience of a real Apple store.60 The manager tries to create a pleasant ambience in the office.

89- We've tried to create the ambience of a French bistro.

90- The restaurant's new owners have created a welcoming ambience.

91- Carbon fiber interior trim or exquisite woods complete the exclusive ambience.

92- The only difference was the ambience of a twentieth-century Arabian hospital.

93- ambience is as important to a business's success as the product you sell.

94- Enjoy the ambience of our Lobby Lounge bar while you linger over cocktail or refreshing beverage.

95- The results showed that the gel time of uncured resin could greatly affected by ambience, which is much shorter in air than in an atmosphere.

96- Out of season Formentera is a haven for writers and artists; the ambience is conducive to all creative activity.

97- With their combination of brisk movement and weighty shadows, they richly evoke the ambience of the city and of college life.

98- The ardency samba is full of the triumphant ambience and all kinds of Cariban music. It is the most attractive landscape of Latin America.

99- The present-day ambience was slightly more prosaic.

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