1- Instead of pinpointing his ambiguous words, we'll continue to urge Japan to show sincere remorse and action for peace.

2- Federal liberal politicians stated that the ambiguous wording of the 1995 referendum question was the primary impetus in the bill's drafting.

3- However, the ambiguous wording resulted in a long-standing debate about the amount of knowledge required to establish command responsibility.

4- Ros is an ambiguous word in the Irish language which can mean either "a wood" or "a promontory".

5- ambiguous wording leaves some wiggle room for further negotiation.

6- In fact, your ambiguous words amount to a refusal.

7- The second manner of semantic variation concerns the activation by different contexts of different senses associated with ambiguous word forms.

8- In fact, your ambiguous words amount to a refusal.

9- Equally, you might use ambiguous words which your superiors treat as a resignation which they will not allow you to retract.

10- Equally, you might use ambiguous words which your superiors treat as a resignation which they will not allow you to retract.

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