1- Businesses are encouraged to operate within the ambit of the VAT Act 2014.

2- Role of facilitation by army is within constitutional ambit and the statement endorses our stance, he said.

3- Its ambit is quite another question and that will be looked at closely.

4- In 1637 and 1639 stone warehouses were constructed within the ambit of this Hirado trading post.

5- Sungard ambit ERisk LTCM had been aware of funding liquidity risk.

6- The Junior Council and Senior Council are autonomous bodies working hand-in-hand under the ambit of the Student Council.

7- Chris Chambless: Chris Chambless is Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of ambit Energy.

8- 662121 The well-lit ambit and well-equipped stages are not difficult things to achieve anymore. 23.1551

9- The obligation of confidence is of wider ambit than legal professional privilege.

10- Now it is within the Tyneside ambit.

11- I recollect having urged Wigg on many occasions to limit the ambit of the Profumo affair.

12- The second question, the proper ambit of the provocation defence, is more troublesome.

13- Justice entailed bringing all relations within the ambit of divine order.

14- The aesthetic principles of aesthetic consciousness are person - oriented , harmonious, zoology - centered, artistry ambit.30. Meanwhile , Buddhism , whose doctrine , manners and ambit had something in common with the hermitic life, appealed to the intellectuals seclude.

15- Restaurants, cafes and public houses are outside the ambit of that class of use and planning permission is therefore required.

16- Between the Debate of Literature " ambit " and the " Aestheticization of Everyday Life "

17- Again, special considerations which might be pertinent during wartime should not affect the ambit of natural justice now.

18- The ambit of this discretion will now be reviewed in more detail.

19- Again, special considerations which might be pertinent during wartime should not affect the ambit of natural justice now.

20- It considers that death compensation is for the loss of future earnings, which falls within the ambit of property loss compensation rather than moral injury compensation.

21- Justice entailed bringing all relations within the ambit of divine order.

22- The tiptop ambit of regional economic and financial cooperation just is complete economic integration historicpresent world.

23- To find a quiet place to study , Bruce had to seclude himself in the attic.28. Meanwhile , Buddhism , whose doctrine , manners and ambit had something in common with the hermitic life, appealed to the intellectuals seclude.

24- Her case falls within the ambit of moral law.

25- The Government is proposing to bring the majority of these buildings within the ambit of local authority control.

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