1- His answer to the question was completely unambiguous.

2- He is clearly against the idea.

3- Let us not forget, however, that Canadians have been clear and unambiguous in their desire for real change.

4- 'All in' makes every event sound like a decisive, dramatic turning point that provides instant, unambiguous resolution.

5- Ban said the message from scientists that emissions need to come down urgently is unambiguous.

6- But if negative inflation is unambiguously good in this case, when is it ambiguously good - or unambiguously bad?

7- He demanded unambiguous affirmation of this view from whoever wins the presidential election next year.

8- The bold and unambiguous content of the programme was bound to alter the balance of opinion.

9- The public opinion is not unambiguous.

10- Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko called unambiguously for NATO arms in an interview with a German newspaper.

11- All three types may be referred to simply as opposition if the type is unambiguous in context.

12- Alma 31 1& 6 show unambiguously that it was after Korihor's demise that the mission to the Zoramites took place.

13- At the end of the song, Rotten, kneeling on the stage, chanted an unambiguous declaration, "This is no fun.

14- Both sides in the case argue that the law unambiguously supports only its position.

15- Critics have debated possible sources of Tourneur's plot, though no certain and unambiguous source has been identified.

16- De Gribaldy employed him as unambiguous team leader, someone he believed could win stage races and not just stages.

17- Don't repeat yourself means that information is located in a single, unambiguous place.

18- Expressed A type of acceptance that involves making an overt and unambiguous acceptance of the set conditions.

19- For these reasons, none of the ideas below are unambiguously or incontrovertibly self-refuting.

20- Here every symbol represents an unambiguous speech sound, but without going into any unnecessary detail.

21- However, the issue is not "unambiguous", Chen wrote, so a jury should ultimately decide.

22- Ideally, every inorganic compound should have a name from which an unambiguous formula can be determined.

23- Instead, the word pan-American is sometimes used as an unambiguous adjective to refer to the Americas.

24- It is not a common occurrence for concepts to transfer unambiguously from one culture to another (ibid).

25- It will normally permit unambiguous conversion back and forth between the two scripts.

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