76- Once again, the desirability of clear terms of contract, coupled perhaps with an unambiguous job description, is plain.

77- Once again, the desirability of clear terms of contract, coupled perhaps with an unambiguous job description, is plain.

78- For the Greeks, hypochondria had been an unambiguous disease, located in the "hypochondrium" region of the abdomen.

79- However, in a natural environment a sustained response is fairly unambiguous and must indicate upward movement.

80- Safety guidelines need to be plain and unambiguous.

81- An unambiguous policy recommendation would require evaluation of all these costs and benefits.

82- He is undoubtedly right about certain basic trends: The evidence concerning decreasing social trust and falling voter participation is unambiguous.

83- Consumer devices attached to the Internet will be expected to generate an unambiguous origin identification.

84- Some 95 percent of Antarctica is covered by an icecap averaging .15. Moreover, the outwash discussed herein demonstrates unambiguous evidence that the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet) Plateau in Quaternary is not mantled by a whole icecap.

85- Contrary to a lawyer's yen for neatness there are few unambiguous signposts for modern medics facing this or many other ethical issues.

86- There are possible offsetting arguments concerning internal structure, but these are in any case not unambiguous in their directional effect.

87- There is no Truth, nor any unambiguous criterion for agreeing upon what constitutes correct knowledge about society.

88- Buying direct from a manufacturer often seems the most attractive option at first glance.(30) This label is not as unambiguous as might appear at first glance.

89- Each team was given unambiguous achievement responsibility, commensurate authority, and uncluttered accountability.

90- This book offers a clear and unambiguous approach to Engineering Metrology from a practitioner's point of view.30. The geometrical parameter measurement has been an important part of metrology.

91- This lookup is unambiguous because OSGi applications are isolated and Blether defines only a single persistence unit.

92- The verb is longer but unambiguous, a demonstrative moment as the tongue flicks anxiously away from the palate to release the vowel.

93- In the current climate, any smooth and unambiguous unity of theory is likely to arouse suspicion.

94- Such communications should be clear and unambiguous.

95- Objective To monitor the hospital infection of Klebsiella pneumoniae by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) assay.30) ISSR analysis with 18 primers to 12 wax apple(Syzygium samarangense Merr. et Perry)germplasm and 2 closely related species produced 459 unambiguous bands, out of them 435(94.77%) were polymorphic.

96- For both printed and handwritten input, the stimulus alone is insufficient to unambiguously identify the text.

97- Autosomal bivalents can be arranged in order of size, but unambiguous identification of individual bivalents is not possible.

98- The analysis was presented in clear, accurate and unambiguous English.

99- There are possible offsetting arguments concerning internal structure, but these are in any case not unambiguous in their directional effect.

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