26- The brothers were all openly ambivalent about social position.

27- The Gauls were ambivalent in their policies toward the Romans.

28- The press loved it, but the reaction of the audience was more ambivalent.

29- This has led to a very ambivalent relationship between the two over the years.

30- Todd rescues her, but she is still ambivalent about their relationship.

31- What Does Wotan Want - ambivalent Feminism in Wagner's 'RING'.

32- One can be ambivalent about the particular choice of symbol for the operation, and speak simply of semilattices.

33- Fans were ambivalent to the name change and attendance plummeted, making this the franchise last season in New Haven.

34- 367334 Dancing Ganapati, Maha Rakta Tibetan representations of Ganesha show ambivalent or richly different depictions of him.

35- The word 'mori' in itself is ambivalent in that in Japanese it conjures an image of regeneration or rebirth and in Latin that of death.

36- The paper's lead editorial encapsulated the ambivalent attitude of Israelis toward the leader of the neighboring people.

37- In Wales, says Rebecca Rumbul of the Wales Governance Centre at Cardiff University, people are "quite ambivalent" about the referendum.

38- So, with this kind of ambivalent policy emanating from Taipei, one cannot fault other countries and people who wonder which side Taiwan is on.

39- As Ekonomou states, Gregory "not only reflect but was in many ways responsible for Rome's ambivalent attitude toward the East".

40- IGN was more ambivalent, saying that while they had no complaints about the music, they also saw "nothing to really praise either".

41- The character later renewed his interest in sex when romantically reunited with Blair, but remained ambivalent towards sexual interaction.

42- During the Joseon dynasty, the kisaeng system continued to flourish and develop, despite the government's deeply ambivalent attitude toward it.

43- Of the institutions that played a role in developing ergonomics in Canada, the universities were the ones whose contribution was most ambivalent.

44- Expatica.com Retrieved on 24 May 2007 Militantislammonitor.org Retrieved on 24 May 2007 Sardar argues that Europe is "post-colonial, but ambivalent."

45- 881263 Unlike his two rivals for power, he seems almost ambivalent to the cut and thrust of politics.

46- John's compliance with them remains rugged but respectful, or highly ambivalent.

47- Henry A. Kissinger's ambivalent Relationship with Germany.

48- Todd rescues her, but she is still ambivalent about their relationship.

49- Q is ambivalent, but Anna is wholly unimpressed.

50- The child is generally ambivalent when she returns.

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